As a community, Church of the Cross Boston (CotC) is committed to providing a safe and just environment, protecting the vulnerable, caring for survivors, and holding abusers accountable.
Throughout Scripture, God demonstrates his commitment to justice by providing refuge and help for the disadvantaged and abused (Isaiah 58:6-7, Psalm 140:12, Psalm 9:9,12). Scripture also makes it clear that all of humanity is created in the image of God and worthy of care and respect (Gen 1:26). As people of God, we seek to embody God’s priority for justice and safety for the vulnerable as well as healing for the hurt.
CotC seeks to prevent abuse and respond appropriately to it by becoming a community that is educated on various forms of abuse and their dynamics, clarifying appropriate boundaries for community members and leaders, and doing the hard work of holding each other accountable.
For further safeguarding resources, visit GRACE’s website.