Making sure that children feel safe and well-cared for is a top priority. We are not aware of any incidents of child abuse or misconduct towards children at our church, and we are making every effort to prevent any abuse at CotC. All our children’s ministry volunteers undergo a thorough screening process that includes an application, reference checks, a background check, and a minimum attendance requirement. Volunteers are also trained in sexual abuse awareness, CotC’s child protection policy and reporting procedures, and diocesan policies. We implement a secure check-in/check-out system that ensures the children are handed off directly from family to volunteer leaders and handed back to approved adults at the end of the program. There are also always at least two adults present with any child or group of children.
We have a robust Child Safeguarding Policy for CotC, and as a part of the Diocese of Christ Our Hope, we also follow the diocesan policy manual for child protection.
These policies can be found here.