Prayer Team

David Porteous and Ingrid Anderson currently lead our prayer team at CotC. They coordinate prayer during and between our Sunday services as well as other spaces for prayer. You can reach them at

Prayer Rhythms and Resources


We encourage you to consider praying through a part, or all, of the Daily Office. You can do this with our CotC lectionary booklets, but you can also find a helpful guide online through Daily Office website run by the ACNA. This site follows the readings and services of the ACNA’s Book of Common Prayer.

Collects &
Seasonal Prayers

A collect is a succinct prayer meant to focus worship and petition to God during a brief moment. The ACNA 2019 Book of Common Prayer includes daily and seasonal collects of the Christian calendar as well as a wide-ranging set of "occasional prayers" for particular personal needs, nations, types of work, and life and world events.

Pray with us

As the church, we are called to pray. We offer times during our Sunday services for corporate and individual prayer, and we encourage the people of the church to be prayerful people. If you have specific prayer requests that you would like prayer for, we invite you to bring them to our communion prayer team during communion.